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Prepare For Your Home Visit


Home visit  preparation

Thanks for scheduling a Home Visit with me at Breast Assured Lactation!

Some things to know about me

  • I will bring a large rolling suitcase for my scale. 

  • I do not care if your house is a mess! The last thing I want you to do is worry about scheduling a visit with me because of the state of your home. 

  • I will wear a KN94 mask for the duration of our visit. I will alert you if I am showing any signs of illness and expect you to extend the same courtesy to me. We may need to reschedule or have a virtual visit instead. 

  • I am sometimes running ahead or behind schedule. If you want my most updated ETA please text me at 484-212-5979 with your name in advance of our visit so I can easily give you an update. 

  • I prefer to work directly with you (the breastfeeding client, baby/babies and partner) without the influence of additional guests but I absolutely understand that this is not always possible. Please be aware that the presence of additional guests can compromise your comfort and confidentiality. 

  • Self Pay Clients only: I prefer to handle billing at the beginning of our visit. Cash or personal checks preferred. I can accept credit cards via Square but this will incur an additional processing fee of 3.6%.


how to prepare your baby &
your space

  • In an ideal world, it would be great if your baby was ready for a feeding about 30 minutes after my arrival so we have some time to get acquainted first. Plan to feed your baby about 1.5  hours before my arrival. I will do my best to work with whatever is going on!

  • It is helpful if your baby is dressed in only a diaper and swaddle blanket for easy weights and diaper changes. 

  • Please clear a stable space (on a table or the floor) close to an outlet for my scale. 

  • If we will be working in a bedroom, please have a chair available. 

  • Please have liquid or foaming soap and paper towels available in the nearest bathroom or kitchen so I can wash my hands as often as needed. (I will also bring my own hand sanitizer.)

  • It is helpful if you have anything you have been using during feeding sessions to be available during our visit including a prepared bottle if necessary (i.e. breastfeeding pillows, nipple shields, pump, bottles, etc.).

  • If you have older children, it is helpful to have an additional adult (other than the primary partner) available to help care for them in another room during our visit. 

  • If you have pets, please secure them in a different room for the duration of our visit. 


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